


This photo is the document of TV forum (FTVA) in Nifty-Serve when I wrote in it in 1995.
I twited NHK by making an analogy to Imperial Family of Japan. As Japanese Imperial Family customs, all of members of them, sometimes write their feelings in Waka.
Waka is a Japanese stile poetry, similar to Haiku or Tanka. Senryu and Kyoka made to aim at laugh. They are different to Waka

Before I wrote this in Nifty-Serve, I read a magazine that said “Recently Daisaku Ikeda (a top of Soka Gakkai) writes his feelings in Waka to his believers”. I thought he was like Emperor.

This writing about Emperor and Ikeda was a only
reason of oppression for 26 years. Jap Police and Government and Imperial Family and Soka Gakkai and Masao Maruyama are crazy, not human. Where is the democracy and the freedom of speech in Japan?

They can not justify micro chipping crimes and oppression and discrimination. Jap Government and courts can not justify hidden death punishment or life in prison. I twited Imperial Family and Soka gakkai was this only!

Release me!
Remove microchip implants from my body!

A word of「消閑の慰具」(A toy of killing time) was made by Takeo Kuwahara who was a French literary man of friend of Masao Maruyama in the publisher Iwanami Shoten. Kuwahara graduated Rakuhoku high school in Kyoto. Perhaps they were angry about I use this word as a image of “masterbation”.

5 years later, in 2000, the public health center and my mother put me in the Shimizu Sunpu Hospital of Psychiatric under duress. Dr. was Makoto Omori(大森真). He said“Because I will attend the Gakkai(学会=Society), next week will be non consultation day.” He used a word of“Gakkai, he wanted to say“I’m a member of Soka Gakkai”. Criminals of Microchipping are Dr. Omori and Shimizu Sunpu Hospital. The same Soka Gakkai as the intelligence police.
