Thiese photos are documents when the opening time of the room “NHK/Tensai TV kun etc.”(NHK/天才てれびくんホカ) in Nifty-Serve TV forum A(FTVA).
Genzaburo Nagate, he was the sub system operator of Nifty-Serve TV forum A (FTVA),and a TV producer,a script writer (a member of scriptwriter assosiation), president of Human Press (#205,1-8-1, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Tel:03-3262-2128)(Head office of NTV(Nihon TV) existed in Kojimachi until 2003.)
NHK ordered the production of the program of “The labyrinth of Da Vinch”(「ダビンチの迷宮」。=「天才てれびくん」内のコーナー番組)inside of “Tensai TV Kun” outside. (外注・丸投げ)Human Press received this order. Nagate worked in NHK of Shibuya as a NHK producer too. He commanded child actress and child actors directly.
“Our Morning”(「俺達の朝」) was a program by Genzaburo Nagate produced first time. “Our Morning” was a successor program of big hit program of “Our Tour”(「俺達の旅」). Nagate joined in “Our Tour” as a underling too.