All of them are facts, never fictions, never stories. Nagate of Human Press, Sugie and Wata and Jun Yamada of NHK were existent.


Thiese photos are documents when the opening time of the room “NHK/Tensai TV kun etc.”(NHK/天才てれびくんホカ) in Nifty-Serve TV forum A(FTVA).

Genzaburo Nagate, he was the sub system operator of Nifty-Serve TV forum A (FTVA),and a TV producer,a script writer (a member of scriptwriter assosiation), president of Human Press (#205,1-8-1, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Tel:03-3262-2128)(Head office of NTV(Nihon TV) existed in Kojimachi until 2003.)

NHK ordered the production of the program of “The labyrinth of Da Vinch”(「ダビンチの迷宮」。=「天才てれびくん」内のコーナー番組)inside of “Tensai TV Kun” outside. (外注・丸投げ)Human Press received this order. Nagate worked in NHK of Shibuya as a NHK producer too. He commanded child actress and child actors directly.

“Our Morning”(「俺達の朝」) was a program by Genzaburo Nagate produced first time. “Our Morning” was a successor program of big hit program of “Our Tour”(「俺達の旅」). Nagate joined in “Our Tour” as a underling too.

